Self-care Tip: Be in the present moment with the people you LOVE!

It’s no secret that we have a million and one things on our plates. In the U.S., we’ve been taught to overwork and many of us have lives that revolve around work. I’m a recovering overworker, myself!

I read an awesome article earlier this week that made some good points about this. The author explained that all of the different areas of our lives are like balls in the air, and every day we do what we can to juggle them. Some of those balls, he said, are glass… and if we drop them–even just a handful of times–they’ll break. Yhey will be hard to repair. Some of them are rubber, and if we drop them, they will be ok. They can take more blows and drops than others.

Our relationships with loved ones are glass balls, more fragile and more precious. You can’t afford to drop them too much, because relationships are fragile and need regular nourishment to survive. Work is rubber. It can withstand more blows.

So, when you’re home and with family, BE with your family. Be in the present moment with them. Do your best not to multitask, because once the moment has passed, it’s gone. Look for the fun and joy in family and loved ones. You will feel like your time together wasn’t wasted. And even if you have to work a lot, you’ll feel like the quality of your relationships improves.

Being in the present moment is proven to make you feel good! Your loved ones will appreciate it too!

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