My name is Ayana Labossiere Burks, but you can call me Ayana (or Ayana, the Coach). I’m a Health & Wellness Coach, who provides empowerment coaching through self-care strategies. I’m happy to serve the overwhelmed, busy, and underserved. I speak to groups, conduct trainings, and provide individual coaching to help people find more balance and joy in their lives!

I started Thrive & Be Whole, after I got engaged and became a mom, because I started to realize how crucial regular self-care is for my own survival! I also realized how many people in our society are being encouraged to burn out at their jobs and with the multiple hats we all wear. Helping others has always been my passion, and I’d be honored to support you!

Being a mom, a caregiver for my mom, and a public school teacher really burned me out. Over the past few years, I’d become an expert in the art of OVERdoing! I started getting sick a lot, and finally wound up in the hospital for a day, and out of work for 2 weeks. It forced me to find ways to take care of myself. I believe that our society encourages us to overdo, and so I now teach people how to find balance and peace, so we can all continue to positively impact our world.

I believe very strongly in helping others, and my resume reflects that. I have over 7 years of teaching experience, where I supported struggling students in finding success. Additionally, I’m a community organizer, wife, mom of 3, and was a caregiver to my own mom for over 10 years.

I have a Life Coaching Certification from iPEC, a Health Coaching Certification from Health Coaching Institute, a B.A. in Comparative Ethnic Studies from Columbia University, and an M.S. in Special Education from San Francisco State University.

I also believe very strongly that our mental health is heavily impacted by our society and the many layers of our identity (i.e. our work/life balance, our income level, our race, gender, sexuality, immigration status, etc.). In order to effectively deal with our deepest struggles, we have to go deeper place.

In my spare time, I love hanging out with her family and friends, and being outside. I love going out to concerts and anywhere where you can dance and eat!

For more information on how I can support you, please check out my PRODUCTS & SERVICES page.


To set up a free consultation call to learn about coaching and see if it’s right for you, click here.