The 4 Biggest Mistakes we Make with Weight Loss (Nutritionally Speaking)

Trying to lose weight but keep getting stuck or hitting a plateau? Do you get frustrated sometimes, because you want to eat healthier, but you have a hard time resisting certain foods? Do you feel like healthy foods just aren’t as tasty as your favorite junk foods?

Do you feel like there’s just something wrong with you or your willpower? I used to feel that way too, and I completely understand the frustration! But, here’s the good news, it’s time to take yourself off the hook and stop beating yourself up every-time you feel like you “fail”. It’s important to understand that most people are dealing with a sugar addiction, and many experts feel like sugar is just as addictive or more addictive than cocaine!

According to HealthLine, “82% of people surveyed exceeded the recommended 10% of calories from sugar each day.” It’s no wonder that most of us relapse! Here are the Biggest Mistakes I see people making when it comes to their nutritional habits:

  1. Not Understanding the Impact of Sugar on Weight Loss
  2. Not Understanding that Sugar is in Everything (savory foods too)
  3. Trying to Quit Cold Turkey in your Diet!
  4. Not eating enough food throughout the day

1. Understanding how Sugar Affects Weight Loss

So, the first thing we can do is get educated about sugar, and how it affects weight loss. There is often confusion about this. Many people will invest a lot of time and energy trying to start an exercise routine first, without fully addressing their eating habits. According to many experts, your diet is about 80% of the equation when it comes to losing weight.

Similarly, many people don’t know that sugar has calories but no real nutritional value–meaning that you eat and your body doesn’t feel full or satisfied. And because of that, it’s easier to overeat it. When we overeat sugar, it gets stored as fat in our bodies.

Experts recommend that we eat about 150 calories of sugar each day, but they believe that men and women are eating an extra 180-230 calories of extra sugar each day! That translates to about 19-24 lbs of extra sugar weight gain each year!

2. Not understanding that Sugar is in Everything!

Sugar is literally everywhere nowadays. There was a time when most people added sugar into their foods, but nowadays you don’t have to do that, because it’s in everything. And you’ll even find high sugar in foods that are marketed as “healthy”, like granola bars, yogurt! And this is all incredibly confusing! (Check out this freebie to learn the sneakiest foods with sugar!)

According to Johns Hopkins, there are up to 60 different ways sugar is added in our food. Look at your ingredients list when you buy food. One way that you can tell if sugar was added is:

  • if it “syrup” is in the name
  • “–ose” is at the end of the name
  • or “sugar” is in the name

3. Trying to Quit Cold Turkey

Have you ever tried to quit eating sugar and then hit a wall? Most people do! Remember, sugar is incredibly addictive and most people struggle with it.

The hardest thing you can do is to try and quit it all cold turkey. In fact, while it seems like a great step in the right direction, habit change takes time, patience, and baby steps. The goal is not about total sugar elimination, instead it’s about dramatically reducing it.

Not all sugary foods are created equal. So, you should first start to transition yourself from “high impact sugary foods” to “medium sugary foods” (Resource coming). After a couple of weeks of adjustment, then transition yourself to low sugar impact foods for a couple of weeks. Once you do that, you will help to break your dependency on sugar. (For more details on how to make that happen, checkout this month’s freebie and digital download! – COMING SOON

4. Not eating enough /balanced food throughout the day

One of the biggest mistakes we make during the day is not eating enough of the nutrients we need during the day. As a result, many of us go through our days hangry and ready to pounce on the first piece of food we see!

Eating regularly, and healthy balanced meals and light snacks will help with that! So don’t skip meals! Your body goes into starvation mode, and it also slows down weight loss. (For details about how to have a balanced meal check out the magic plate freebie!) 🙂

In the beginning this can be overwhelming, but you can definitely do it! if you need support, check out some of the resources below or set up a free breakthrough session with me! Together, will work to figure out the number one thing that’s blocking you for making progress, and what you can do about it! 🙂


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