Tips for Avoiding Burnout

Are you feeling overwhelmed with everything going on right now? Feeling tired of the way you’re work or life is going? Does it feel like a chore to wake up and go through the motions of your day? If so, you might be feeling burnt out. What is burnout? Burnout feeling of total emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. It’s often characterized by feeling overwhelmed, drained, and unable to meet certain demands.

Let’s talk about burnout! Did you know that 23% (and 75% during the pandemic) of people feel burnt out, and 60-85% of percent of people hate their jobs? o many of us are balancing work, businesses, side jobs, kids, family needs, friends, and then actually trying to eat healthy, exercise… it’s enough to drive anyone crazy! And I’m no stranger to these feelings, either!

If you’re feeling burnout, it’s not your fault! The things that cause burnout in our society. But the good news is there are things we can do right now to overcome! Most of us need help to really overcome these feelings. I personally needed someone to make a plan for change, and to help me get clarity on how my negative self-talk was making things harder. So, if this is you, schedule a free call with me!

Mistakes we Make & How we to fight Back

Now, burnout might be temporary because of a particularly stressful life moment, or it might feel like there’s no end in sight. So, you’ll want to talk to a counselor, therapist, coach or medical professional, if you’re feeling stuck, but these tips will help you make the changes you need.

No Boundaries

Many of us struggle with setting up boundaries between work and the rest of our lives. It’s very important that we learn how to ask for delegate and ask for help. We are in a culture that values individualism, but that can be devastating for our mental health: so take things off your plate, and delegate out those things that must can done, but that you don’t have to do yourself. Pay for help or barter for it!

Also, remember that you need self-care each day. So make time for things that relax you, and make you smile every day–even if you’re done with your to-do list. Self-care is a necessity, not an optional thing you do “if you have time”.


Fear is a really powerful tool that helps us stay safe and keeps us protected, but sometimes it can get in the way and take over. Fears of not being enough, imposter syndrome, or being judged can cause us to take on more than we need to, and can get in the way of asking for help.

For working through fear, it’s important that recognize the negative self-talk that sends us fear-filled messages that sabotage us, so having a free session wit a coach or therapist can help with that. Using positive affirmations, keeping track of your wins, gratitudes, and journaling to forgive yourself all help tremendously to overcome fear. Check out this month’s freebie for more on how to do that!

Not Connecting to your Why

Burnout can also come when we lose track of why we are doing something. When our actions are often not connected to our to our deeper sense of purpose, it makes it hard to take action we need to.

Learning how to connect to your BIG WHY will help make mundane tasks feel purposeful, and as necessary steps for your growth. You will naturally feel motivated! Set a goal for yourself, and ask yourself Why it’s important to you until you come to a answer that is an 8 out 10 importance level.

Use this month’s Digital Download will help you with this in deeper detail! (COMING SOON)

Here’s an example:

The goal: I want to lose weight

→ WHY?

I want to look good in my clothes

→ WHY?

I’ve never felt secure in my clothes or body, and I want that feeling

→ WHY?

I want to be happy and not beat myself up all the time

WHY? → self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-love, feel free!

Not Dreaming

Similarly to not not being connected to our BIG WHY, when we are going through feeling aimless, it’s because we are not allowing ourselves a chance to dream. We need to give ourselves permission to dream, and grow our motivation!

There are many great ways to remember our dream: vision boarding, journaling about your dream, using the present tense to write. So, for example: instead of saying “I want____”, say “I am_____”.

You got this!


FREEBIES: Journals

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