How I Stayed Sane While Travelling 13 Hours with an Infant!

In June of this year, I had to fly to New York (all the way from California) to go to my 10 year college reunion… but I had just had a baby two months before! Now if you’re like me, the idea of flying with a baby is a little TERRIFYING! I knew I couldn’t miss this once in a lifetime event!

“Mommy, are you sure about this trip?!”

But, I was also worried about all the preparation and costs. Already, before even setting foot on a plane, I had to call both airlines three times to double check everything i’m allowed to bring on the plane and all the documents I would need for us. I had to

methodically plan out all of the contents of each piece of luggage so I wouldn’t kill myself in baggage fees, bring a breast pump, find a reliable babysitter in NYC, negotiate a deal with my college that would allow the babysitter to watch my daughter on campus, go to the airport twice to make sure my luggage fit the airline’s size limits, go to my dad’s house to print boarding passes, borrow a suitcase from my brother, beg my dad to drive me to the airport at 4:00 AM, etc!


Not to mention how emotional I felt about leaving my husband and 2 year-old behind (for financial and sanity reasons), how worried I was about navigating security with a baby, and making two stops in Salt Lake City and Detroit, (for a total travel time of 13 hours each way)!  

WHEW! I’m tired just thinking about it!

This trip definitely had the potential to spin out of control and be a nightmare, but instead it was surprisingly relaxing!


Good question!

Concerned about me losing my mind, I decided instantly that I would use this potentially rough day to practice some self care, patience, and forgiveness. I decided before the trip that I was going to practice being patient with myself and the process. I decided to be forgiving to those around me, my baby, and do my best to NOT parent from stress. I just accepted the fact that this trip was going to be a LONG one, and so to just roll with it. I grabbed a book, laptop, took walks whenever I could, and did my best to stay sane.

AND most importantly, I decided to keep a running list of things that made me grateful while I travelled. A lot of research shows that when we take time to reflect on all the things that have gone well, we actually feel happier. Now, for many of us, airport travel and gratitude don’t seem to go together, but you’d be surprised! So here it is… my gratitude list from Day 1 of my travels:

  1. Despite being extremely broke, I managed to make this hugely important trip happen!
  2. I’m excited to see all of my college friends!
  3. The beautiful hugs I got to have with my husband the morning I left!
  4. The kiss I gave my 2 year old before I left, and how she gently squeezed my hand in her sleep
  5. The free ride to the airport, and the amazing advice my dad gave me!
  6. The super helpful TSA agents who helped me with all of my baby gear and cooed over my baby
  7. The very helpful Delta Airlines staff who went out of their way to sit me in an empty seat, so I could have more room
  8. The very sweet Delta flight attendant who held my baby for me so I could get settled in my seat
  9. The very nice passengers on the plane, who got excited to see my baby, instead of getting upset
  10. The excited dad, seated next to me in the beginning of the flight, who showed me pictures of his three adorable girls (just like mine!)
  11. Baby Prism, who could’ve been a pain, but who slept blissfully… even through the often ear popping take-off and landing!
  12. All the many people who offered to hold her while I went to the bathroom on the plane!
  13. Another proud and refreshing husband and dad (seated next to me) who couldn’t stop gushing about his kids

It was genius! Just keeping track of the positive things made me feel great, and made the travel so much smoother.

What FIVE things are you grateful for TODAY?


  1. Alana

    I love this. And love it even more because I got to witness your positivity in action and know that’s it’s real. You’re such an inspiration!

    1. Thrive & Be Whole

      Lol! Thank you! And thank you for being part of my the reason the trip was so amazing! 🙂 This a whole lotta work, that has come from years of hustle and anxiety… which you have also witnessed!

  2. I loved this post – I don’t have kids but traveling with them while young gives me anxiety already lol but you managed that beautifully! You’re my shero!

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