How your Attitude about Healthy Eating can Sabotage Your Progress

Do you struggle with eating healthy? So many of us do! Every year, many people make resolutions to “eat healthier”, and secretly cry on the inside about what they think they have to face: saying good-bye to cake, ice cream, and delightful sugar, and saying hello to a world full of bland, boring, not satisfying veggies–the kinds our mom forced us to eat when we were kids. Good-bye fun, hello boredom! 😫😫People even get themselves a “death row” style, “final meal” or even throw themselves a little party before they have “go straight”. 💀💀

It’s such a tradition, that it’s a constant joke in our society and media ! And while this makes for good times and laughter, how much do we really pause and reflect on how this cultural phenomenon affects us and our attempts at a healthy lifestyle? After all, we logically know that eating healthy affects every part of our physical health, and can even be preventative against countless health issues. But, if you’ve been struggling to stick to eating healthy for long, it could be your attitude! 🤭🤭

It’s clear that our society struggles with eating healthy (% of people report having a problem), and while the processed foods we eat are piled high with addictive additives like sugar, this blog post is going to explore our attitude about healthy eating and how we sabotage ourselves. Let’s rewind back to childhood, when so many of us got the memo that healthy food was bland, not exciting, and even disgusting 🤢.When healthy food was shown in the media, it was usually portrayed as the food kids were being forced to eat, unlike the sweets which were always shown as delicious and forbidden. Many of us have this ingrained stereotype to this day–about the inherent fun and rebellion of junk food and the inherent boringness of healthy food.

For many of us, eating “unhealthy foods” has become a socially-acceptable form of rebellion. In a world where we are asked to be responsible all the time, many of us get our much needed kicks from eating “junk food”. 🍔We all logically know how beneficial a healthy diet can be, So here are some tips to stop sabotaging yourself with this limiting belief about healthy eating.

  1. Approach your Diet with Curiosity and Fun

Instead of approaching your healthy diet from a place of lack, approach it from a place of abundance! The notion that healthy eating has to mean the end of fun and deliciousness is just illogical–if you think about it. For example, there are dozens of ways to prepare chicken and there are so many different spices, herbs, and ways of cooking it. If you’re a meat eater, chicken is a universally popular meat, but the way it’s cooked or seasoned can make it amazing or less appetizing. It’s the same way with all foods.

When cooking healthy foods, get creative and get curious! Try different recipes. Just like with “junk foods”, some will be winners, and others won’t. There are infinite ways to flavor and enjoy a healthy meal, just like there are infinite ways to enjoy “junk food”. A balanced, healthy meal that leaves you feeling satisfied is key!

2. Take small Baby Steps: Don’t go do Cold-Turkey Elimination

It’s very common for many of us to classify going on a diet as “going cold turkey” and eliminating things from our diet (like sugar, carbs, etc.). Now, most of us can’t sustain that, because cold-turkey change is often too intimidating, it leaves us feeling hungry throughout and really going through withdrawals. Remember change is slow moving process, not matter what the habit is and it’s best done in baby steps. People hate full on elimination and TOTAL restriction, and end up bingeing or dropping the diet.

Also, instead of focusing on what you don’t get to eat, focus on all the amazing foods you DO get to eat! When we focus so much on what you’re cutting out, it can be depressing a demotivating. Instead, remember that you get to have so many amazing, delicious foods! So, instead of “I can’t have this….”, say “I GET to have this!”

Also, this mindset we have creates an unhealthy relationship with food: one built on control, restriction, fear, and where food is the enemy.

3. Get your rebellion in other ways

We are responsible for so much (family, loved ones, work, stay at home work, caregiving, etc.), that we often forget to have fun and give ourselves rest and relaxation. When we do this, food subconsciously becomes the way through which we relax or rebel against all of the responsibility in our lives. It has become a socially acceptable way to unwind.

While that’s okay from time to time, it can create a dependency on “junk foods” that can be difficult to shake.

So, instead, find some non-food ways to get your self-care in and have fun each day. Get lost in things that make you happy and bring you joy (that are outside of food): walks, quality time with important people, watching funny movies, or reading, etc. And then also, consider some lightly rebellious things you can do: prank calling a loved one, cutting off the DO NOT REMOVE tag on your couch, etc.

What are some things you can try in your own life? No one wants to live like this in constant battle with their food afterall! What are some ways this shows up for you?

Book a free call with me to help you identify what might be sabotaging you and concrete, simple things you can do to move forward? 🤔🤔

This Month’s Freebie!

Click here for this month’s freebie: The Magic Plate! This tool will help you learn how to eat balanced, healthy meals that keep you feeling satisfied (and not hungry) when you’re eating healthy!

This Month’s Digital Download!

Here is your February 2021 digital download: the Meal Planning Kits. For $10.99, you can get this powerful tool to help you meal plan! (coming soon).

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